Here's one for the tea lover. In this case someone who enjoys her own cup of traditional black tea, rather than fruits and spices. I've created just the right size box with sections for teas from different companies, so she can taste them all and find a favourite. The box is created from card and fabric, glued together to make a strong container. The teas are sourced from eBay mostly, and are all in their own envelopes for a lovely look.
Painted Lazy Susan

Thursday, 2 December 2021
Cartonnage boxes
Love this process of making boxes with various types of cardboard and beautiful fabrics. Everyone in the family has been getting one of these boxes for their birthday this year. They're just the right size for a box of After Eights. I've also filled them with vegan sweets. And I've made an extra-long version for a good bottle of wine.
Original design is from Claudia Squio at Colorways.
Saturday, 23 January 2021
Fabric-covered folders
I'm still fascinated by the art of constructing boxes and covering them in fabric. Here's an extension into fabric-covered folders. As much as possible I recycle household card to make these fabulous and very useful A4 and A5 folders. I've been making them with specific people in mind and choosing the fabric to suit them. Sadly I forgot to take pictures before handing them out, but here are a few more I have made from some gorgeous material.